A transformative approach to the mediation of environmental conflicts: from entry to exit points


This document draws on the experiences of the Environmental Mediation Initiative (EMI) to provide an overview of the mediation approaches that are used by its members to address environmental conflicts. It begins with an overview of environmental conflicts and of different approaches to understanding them. It then explores in more detail a diverse set of principles and methods through which mediation can have a transformative effect on the social relations of the parties involved and on the conflict itself. It discusses the important role of the mediator. And presents a list of case studies where different aspects of conflict mediation were implemented through a diverse set of mediation tools and methods, aimed at bringing clarity to a conflict situation and in some instances at transforming the relations between the parties involved.

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This guidance can be used by people related to situations of environmental conflict who wants to increase skills to mediate in this type of process: local/regional authorities that have to deal with environmental conflicts and engage the public and interested parties; local and grassroots associations based in regions with environmental conflicts that promotes participatory processes; protected area managers and management authorities of protected areas; foresters and Forest Services; environmental non-governmental organizations that play a role in environmental conflicts. Also for facilitators and mediators who want to know different case studies and approaches to the environmental conflicts around Europe.

Io2 Final Portada